As 2021 comes to a close, the event industry has a lot of reasons to be cautiously optimistic about the future. To share a little positivity, we decided to share our biggest hopes for 2022!
The silver lining of the pandemic is that attendees are viewing live events with a new sense of appreciation. People want to feel the excitement of an in-person event, and embrace the power of networking and human connection. With that being said, we hope to see more suppliers and vendors create new ways to partner up, whether it's in service or pricing structures, collaborations and/or referrals.

We are all experiencing challenges that impact each other's businesses in significant ways, and having a partner on the other side of the contract means that risk and negative impacts can be mitigated. This requires trust, openness and willingness to change, and copious amounts of grace as we all navigate recovery —which is why our team, at Ballöom, have decided to put a directory in place, so our customers have access to a list of Montreal's most trusted local vendors. This Directory is being built slowly as we gather suppliers we have worked with and totally recommend (if you're one of them, feel free to e-mail us your info —we cannot wait to show you off alongside our friends in the industry!).
For our corporate clients who continue to seek ways to meet with their customer communities in a hybrid-attendance world, virtual events will still take place in 2022 and beyond. We have learned that hybrid events that engage both, virtual and in-person, audiences can deliver even bigger returns for everyone involved!

Thankfully, we all got past the 'awkward phase' of hybrid events, and it looks like they are here to stay!
Local health authorities have now put clear requirements in place for public or private settings, such as capacity restrictions for both indoor and outdoor settings, screening requirements, vaccination status, etc. so we can now start to see smaller, hybrid or even outdoor events really own the new model and make attendees' event experience memorable and unique!
All of this makes us so excited to see what 2022 has in store for all of our clients in the commercial, corporate and private sectors!

One thing is for sure; 2022 will be a bright one for all of us in the events industry. We can all take what we've learned from these past two years and be fully prepared to jump back into action! Our situation isn’t new any longer, it’s no longer a 'pivot.' It’s on all of us to be ready to produce and execute based on the current landscape —whether that means in person or virtually. We hope to see everyone succeed!
Dear 2022; We are ready for you!